Some of you may know that I keep a windowsill garden at home. Apartment dweller that I am, trying to live a healthy lifestyle by growing my own vegetables. Far from the ideal here, as I could easily kill a cactus!. Even plants that enjoy neglect.

Ros is hosting Our Beautiful World this week. Her prompt for us to play is;
Say hello to my spinach seedlings :).
They are two months old now.
Waiting, and more waiting ...
These babies are just about 2-3" tall.
They seemed to love the organic potting soil with some coconut fibers & coals in them.
I have to remember NOT to over-watering them. [That was how I killed my succulents!].
I saw the tiniest clover growing underneath my spinach seedlings. Can I hope for some luck? :).
With an angel companion, I hope they'll grow :).
I have a collection of heart pebbles, scattered around the pots for good energy & fun. Anything, to help my plants live happily.
A concrete pebble.
This one is a sandstone.
And this, a marble pebble.
That's all garden update for today. Hop on to Our Beautiful World to share a photo that signify 'Waiting' for you.
Waiting can be fun especially when you're rewarded with something delicious at the end of it. Like waiting for coffee, or pizza!. Or 'Waiting' for someone precious, like Prince George Alexander Louis :). For me, my first spinach will do for now :).
Have a great week, everyone!. Hugs.