Hello friends,

Halloween arrives early at Our Beautiful World :). Milagros is our host this week and her word prompt is;
Halloween is not commonly celebrated here where I live. Though in recent years, many of the younger Malaysians are influenced by the Japanese/Korean anime and cosplay culture. Thus, naturally embracing Halloween ... another reason to play dress up and party, isn't it?.
Wonder if there was an Edward & Bella's costume.
The word prompt this week, made me realized that I have too many vampire books & journals. One year, I was charmed by these beautiful, ghoulish souls [ahem, thank you Edward Cullen!]. Soon my art work became influenced by the movie Twilight!. I made endless Twilight-related mini albums. And I did quite an extensive research on the history of the fallen ones, about the real-life vampyric societies all over the world today and THAT freaked my bf out. Hehe.
Beautiful myth.
Then, I started buying books about ANGELS. I have more angel books than the vampire ones. I read about guardian angels and Archangels [I love Archangel Michael], benevolent spirit guides and soon enough my mood lifted up. He can't complain now, can he?.
I went to a haunted house in Denver, once. I was just starting my Fall semester, then. It was amazingly cold and FREAKY!!. Loved all the tricks, chainsaw and all. We were like a bunch of crazy girls, screaming our hearts out. Lucky that Blair Witch Project only came out a year later!.
One of many dark books I own.
In any case, I prefer the sweet, funny version of Halloween. Trick-or-treating. Carving Jack-O-Lanterns. Smiling at witch-on-a-broom-getting-stuck-on-a-tree decor :).
How do you celebrate Halloween?. Are you taking out kids (and pets) for trick or treating this year?. Lets hope it's not too cold out. And, do share the fun with us!. Link up with Our Beautiful World this week. I'd love to hear what Halloween means to you. Have a great Weekend!. Hugs.
{Notes: All photos are taken with Samsung Galaxy SAdvance phone and edited in PhotoScape. Used Out-Of-Focus and antique photo effects}.